Monday, February 17, 2014

Paca Shopping or Popping Tags

One of my favorite lazy day activities here in Nicaragua is browsing the second hand stores, alternatively called pacas or ropa americana, which are full of discarded clothes from the U.S.  For those who are patient and determined enough to sift through the mountains of unorganized clothes, it can be a treasure trove.  Some volunteers have even found designer clothes for a fraction of their price, including my ever-stylish friend, Linsdey, who wrote about her own paca experience on her blog.  I, myself, have been able to find some pretty nifty things, like this silk scarf, for only 40 cents.
Please forgive the selfie.  Apparently this is a thing back in the states, and I have to practice before I go back.
Besides getting absurdly good deals on cool clothes, paca shopping is also highly entertaining for the odd things you can find.  In the same store where I found my scarf, I found this proudly on display:

These leave me with so many questions.
The late afternoon sun was shining in to illuminate this glorious scene of whitie-tighties, and I wondered as I took this photo if the stars had aligned to give me a moment of perfect absurdity.  Pacas are presumably second-hand, so who would buy used underwear?  And who would donate them in the first place?  And in that size?  And in that quantity?  So many questions that I hope I never learn the answers to.

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