Monday, March 10, 2014

Birthday Video

I really wanted to post a video I have of everyone singing Las Mañanitas on my birthday last year, but it appears to be too big.  I wanted to see if I could post some videos on here though, so here is a very blurry video of Lindsey breaking open the piñata she, Sarah, and Sophia (the other PCVs in my training town) got for me during my first Nica birthday.

Edit: Has anyone actually gotten this video to play?  I've been waiting for a while now, and there is nothing more than the spinning wheel of death.  Does blogger even really do videos?  I no long believe they work on here.

This was the beautiful aftermath:


  1. Hey, Tessa, I was able to view the video. Good piñata bashing going on there. The ones you get here don't have the clay anymore, just icky papier mache layers. You have to stab it repeatedly with a butcher's knife to get at the candy stash. Happy Belated Birthday to you!

  2. Worked for Auntee too!

  3. It finally worked for me! Hurray!
