Saturday, January 8, 2011


What constitutes a two-year supply of underwear?  I sure hope it's as many pairs as I have since, apparently, Nicaraguan underwear of comparable quality to those in the U.S. can be quite expensive, so the Peace Corps suggests bringing a two-year supply.

Anyway, I've pretty much packed.  I keep fluctuating between the horrified feeling that either I've packed too much or too little.  I'm sure there will be things that I never use, and I'm sure I will discover things that I wish I would have brought, but right now I am feeling that Goldilocks "just right" feeling.

Besides normal things like toiletries and clothing (professional pants or knee-length skirts, blouses, no spaghetti straps, and practically everything made of cotton) I am bringing a few notable items:
  • Swiss Army knife
  • Travel iron
  • Headlamp that my brother gave's supposed to be useful for late-night trips to the latrine
  • Gardening gloves
  • Knitting supplies, I'm just bringing sock-weight yarn, my collection of DPNs, and the two Addi Turbos my aunt gave me, I figure I can make baby hats and booties since I'll be working with mothers and children
  • Watercolors, brushes, and a journal
  • Two double-size flat sheets
  • A few thin books...I'm still trying to decide if I can fit my Sherlock Holmes anthology into my carry-on
All the advice I have read from previous volunteers has said to pack less than you think, and I imagine I will be well below the eighty-pounds limit, so hopefully I'll be alright.  I just hope I have enough underpants gnomes live in Nicaragua?


    1. Well, if you run out, you could knit some! I'm sure there is a pattern somewhere on Ravelry.

      Love, Your Aunt Addi-Turbo

    2. I love the idea of knitting for the moms and babies there! I can mail you yarn (and underear) if you need it.

