Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day Blenders

Yesterday I spent what might be the last Christmas with my family for a few years, which is odd to say out-loud or type on the internet.  It was wonderful to celebrate with my family, especially the annual Pajama Dinner Party followed by Mass, but since Christmas has come to mean more about presents than anything else it was especially... incongruous.  I can't really think of any other way of describing it.  Many of the things people gave me I can use while I'm down in Nicaragua, but many others will just weigh down my suitcase, sit around unused because I will have no earthly use for them, and then they'd probably grow mold in the humidity.

That's not to say they're not good gifts, they are just incongruous with the way my life will be for the coming two years.  It's like when you're in high school and someone gives you a blender as a gift.  You will never use the blender while at home because your parents probably already have a blender, but when you leave for college you suddenly realize that this blender is awesome because now you can make smoothies and other such things.  But for a few years you have no use for that blender.  I'm sure when I come back I will appreciate some of those blender gifts, but I will have to wait for twenty-seven months.

Really, I think the best gift this Christmas was spending time with friends and family.  Happy Holidays everyone.

P.S. Please enjoy this vision of the aftermath with the family puppy looking to scavenge some tissue paper to shred.

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